Anyhow, I have 10 minutes before bedtime. Here's tonight's train of thought:
- How are Pubsgal and fast food restaurants alike? Saw a great article on the Mills Peninsula blog, about portion sizes, by one of their nutritionists. The link includes a video segment. Here's the link: Here's an interesting fact regarding restaurant portion creep: The child-size portion at fast food restaurants today? "That was a standard adult-size portion 20 years ago." This is timely, because the panicked ranting & raving post I drafted back in January and never published, about not having an "Overweight" BMI anymore? Well...same situation, plus a few more pounds. It's not so much about the number on the scale or BMI number anymore as it is about as feeling physically uncomfortable in my own skin, never mind my pants! And I swear I thought of that before I started listing to Lynn's interview on Two Fit Chicks and a Microphone, in which she talks about becoming physically comfortable in her own skin, and that discomfort being a sign to rein things in. Anyhow, my food plan is to weigh and measure portions and to use the My Fitness Pal tracker daily. I've been enjoying this tool, because I swear, its search finds EVERYTHING! I hardly have to enter any new data. My other goals are to stay under my quite reasonable calorie allotment, eat healthy things I enjoy, and limit my starches and sugars to only the MOST worthy items and quantities. Oh, you know, all the stuff that worked before when I did it consistently. ;-) Updated fitness goals to follow: right now, I'm rebooting my running with C25K in preparation for the Pumpkin Run in October, hoping hula class will survive the new school year, but I need to figure out a new strategy for getting more strength in there.
- Speaking of running: ALL events at the Half Moon Bay Marathon were sold out before I had a chance to register! How RUDE! But before I could get too "pouty puffer" about it, I submitted a volunteer application. Turns out that I'll be working at the Maverick's aid station, and then helping at the start/finish line. I always wanted to volunteer for an event, so this is a great opportunity! (With riding my bike to and from the event locations and helping out, I'll probably burn as many calories as running my 10K. And my volunteers' t-shirt will be free. :-) If you're interested in volunteering, here's the link: They need help for the race expo on the days preceding the event, not just event day itself.
- Speaking of sports and events: Diabetes Hands Foundation will be having a fundraising party at Sports Basement in Walnut Creek on September 10, from noon until 2 p.m. (It's Thing 1's 10th birthday, so I can't go, but maybe YOU can!) According to organizer Emily Walton, "We will be screening our fundraising videos, offering food and drinks, and you will receive a coupon for 10% off everything you spend. Sports Basement will also donate 10% of everything you spend to DHF! They have great TRI gear, trust me, I shop there all the time!" Event details on the TuDiabetes web site:
- And speaking of triathlon and fundraising: Can the woman who kicks Type 2 diabetes' ass on a regular basis help kick blood cancer's ass too? If anyone can, Foodie McBody can! She joined Team in Training and is going through an amazing, "stress-citing," and inspiring journey in triathlon training. Read all about it here: And here's her donation page: