Monday, June 29, 2009

Weekly update, 6/30/09

Hoo-boy, it's been three weeks since my last weekly update! It sure seems like everything has been going crazy at once. Work has been screamingly busy, and we had an offsite meeting as well as a company dinner one of the evenings. Throw in Father's Day, Anniversary, kids getting out of school, my mom having another procedure (for her irregular, fast heartbeat: successful!) and the like, and it makes for times that test even the most composed. Of which I am not. ;-)

Oh, and speaking of my mom, I have to brag about her a little bit. She did not go back to smoking after her time in the hospital in January. It's one of the hardest habits to break--especially if you're worried about gaining weight from quitting--and she did it. AND, once she got feeling better after her surgery, she started walking and is now walking around 6 miles/day! Yeaaaaaay, Mom!!!

More good stuff: I met with my new doctor and it went well. I like her. And good news: my a1c is 5.3%! Down 0.4% from January! Woo hoo!!! I'm also happy that I got my little Women's Challenge trophy every week but one so far, and there's only one week left. Even though I don't work out each week with equal intensity, I feel like I'm at least hanging in there. And hey, I've still got nearly 3 months until my tri in late September. I'll be ready!

Progress last week

7-day blood glucose average: 104 (met goal of less than 120)
7-day fasting average: 101 (met goal of less than 120, 100% of days)
Weight goal: +1.2 lbs. (Did not meet goal of either maintain or make progress toward goal. It could have been a lot worse. My entire month was up & down, with net progress of -.6 lb.)

Food goals:
I didn't track this week. I ought to have done so, but I did not. Oh well. I know I got at least one healthy fish meal in there and a couple of meatless breakfasts.

Exercise goals:
With our offsite, I didn't get my BodyPump class in there or my swim. However, I got two good runs, a spin class, some strength training via DVD, and a dance DVD session. Met my Women's Challenge goals for the week.

Misc. goals: Got adequate sleep.

Monthly Measure
My result seemed a bit weird. I wasn't expecting any changes, but I lost an inch off my waist and around my ribcage. Other measurements were unchanged.

Goals for this week

7-day blood glucose average goal and fasting numbers: below 120.
Weight goal: Maintain or make progress toward goal.

Food goals:
- 4 or more meatless, low-fat meals and 2 or more fish meals.
- On work days, switch to tea and plain water after that first cup of coffee.
- Track fiber. Minimum 30 grams fiber/day. (Include both insoluble and soluble sources. I'm dropping the "work up to 50 grams fiber/day" part, because it's pretty darn hard to get even 30.)

Exercise goals:
Minimum of 30 minutes of workout 5 days/week. Workouts to include at least 1 bike, 1 run, and 1 swim per week, plus 2 strength training per week.

Misc. goals:
- 7 or more hours sleep/night.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for your Mom! I smoked for 10 years ago a long time ago, and even when my dad was dying of cancer, I didn't stop!

Finally I work the nicotine (sp?) patch and after wearing it for 24 hours, I broke out in a rash all around where the patch was!

But I figured, hey, you went 24 hours without smoking, try another 24! And that was over 15 years ago!

Congrats on your AC1 levels - that's impressive! :D

Anonymous said...

5.3!!!!! YOU ROCK!! I thought *I* was a rockstar and I am at 5.6! That is fantastic and amazing!!!!!

I also had good MD visits today and am feeling quite pleased.

Hooray for good health!

Christie O. said...

yes, hooray for mom! for everything!

i'm proud of you, look at you still losing inches! who cares about the pounds when you have that! woot!

i'm thinking you're still doing pretty great with the amount of things you have going on. go you! you will definitely be ready.