Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Weekly Update 11/25/09 and Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, a day early, but is it ever a bad time to celebrate being thankful? Nah! I hope you all enjoy a wonderful day, whether it's Thanksgiving in your part of the world or not. As I said last year around this time (but it bears repeating): My blogroll is the "virtual" portion of my gratitude board. I'm truly grateful for the accountability and inspiration I receive daily from the fitness/weight loss and diabetes blogging communities. I receive this from both the bloggers and commenters on the blogs I follow and the people who offer comments and encouragement on my own. THANK YOU!

My week has been somewhat inconsistent. Three days of great workouts, a couple of days of nothing, and a couple of days of not even quite bare minimum activity. Oh well, you'll have weeks like that sometimes. There's been a bit more holiday prep activities, like shopping and returning items that I'd mail ordered long ago that Thing 2 did not fit or like. Food-wise, I didn't do as well as I would have liked, but on the other hand, I didn't go too crazy, either.

Yesterday morning, Thing 2 noticed me putting on my work shoes. I think she's going to be a shoe maven, because she admired my new shoes (these and this other pair I bought...hurray for Ross and deeply discounted shoes in my size!)...and they're not even pink. She asked, "Mommy, are you going to take your running shoes today? Because you can wear those shoes [pointed at shoe on left] for the boring part, and your running shoes for the running part."

"What do your shoes say about your week?"

So...that's nice about this week, but what about the next? Or perhaps, the next 6? Well, I'm not too freaked out about the holidays, oddly enough. Sometimes it feels like a precarious balance, getting all the healthy stuff I need in my diet and allowing for enough of the stuff I love to eat (that doesn't fit into the first category), so that I don't feel deprived and like this living healthy stuff is not worth it all. Not to mention getting in enough exercise to keep me content! But I'd say that's the biggest difference between last year and this one. Last year, I was so afraid that taking a rest day unscheduled or making an "active rest" day out of a workout day would totally switch my track for a return trip to Couchville. This year, I feel (paradoxically) more free to change up my schedule as needed, because the need to workout is now a part of me. I trust it like I didn't before. I'm looking forward to the unstructured holiday days. I'm planning to schedule some time each day to do outdoor workouts; while I love having the gym as one of my options, I really prefer to run and bike outdoors. Hopefully Things 1 and 2 will not be popping like toast before first light, so I can get in some activity while they're still sleeping. But if not, I'm trusting that I can be spared for at least a half hour each day. I really want to take the ol' bike on those dirt trails south of town...

Progress last week

7-day blood glucose average: 100 (met goal of less than 120)
7-day fasting blood glucose average: 105 (met goal of less than 120)

Weight goals: -0.6. Drat, still in the 190s!

Food goals:
- 3/5 work days were food brought from home.
- Ate lots of veggies.
- Got in at least 4 meatless meals but 0 fish meals.
- Fiber: at least 3/7 days were over 30. Could have been better.

Exercise goals: Didn't meet 30/day for 5 days, unless you average my workouts over the week, but did my best.
Total estimated mileage: 21 miles
- Wednesday: 60 minutes of BodyPump class
- Thursday: 60 minutes - 2 mile trail run and 5.5 on recumbent bike at the gym. This was a nice change of pace, because I kicked back with my blog reading and a skinny caramel latte and still got in some exercise!
- Friday: Rest
- Saturday: Rest
- Sunday: 10K run and 6.5 mile bike ride to & from the event (12.7 miles total, about 2 hours or so of activity).
- Monday: 15 minute walk (.55 mile)
- Tuesday: 20 minute dog stroll (.35 mile...our dog is not exactly an action dog, she has to stop and sniff EVERYTHING!)

Sleep: Met goal of 7 hours/night.

Goals for this week

7-day blood glucose average goal and fasting numbers: below 120.
Weight goal: Maintain or make progress toward goal.

Food goals:
Track fiber. Minimum 30 grams fiber/day. (Include both insoluble and soluble sources.)
Bring veggie & fruit tray to Thanksgiving and use it for any mindless noshing.

Exercise goals:
30 minutes of activity 5 days/week.
Get kids out to play 1 hour each day during the holiday weekend.

Misc. goals:
7 or more hours sleep/night.
Have fun!


Lori said...

It certainly sounds like you are in a good place this year (both mentally and physically!).

Love both of your shoes, too :D

Have a super Thanksgiving!

debby said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Pubsgal! I love it that many of us are feeling less panicky this year about the holidays and food. And I love it that you recognized you did the best you could.

Christie O. said...

I love that picture. I love that when I looked at my blog, I saw that picture of your shoes and started making up my own captions in my head. amazing job on your 10k and on your "turkey trot". i feel exactly the same as you about the workouts. while i might complain about missing one here and there and not feeling so structured, i know that this is all now a part of me that unlike any other time in my life, will never go away again. i don't know when it changed (maybe with the tri's) but it changed. forever. i hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving with your family! lots to be thankful for this year!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just have to say that your "boring" shoes are supercute!

Courtney said...

I love that phrase that you "can trust it now" regarding your urge to exercise. So true and so wonderful! My goal as a personal trainer is to get clients to that point of feeling that exercise is vital and necessary and just as easy as breathing and feels just as good.
Happy Turkey!
Adventures in Tri-ing

Anonymous said...

What a great place to be in - no fear of the holidays!!

I weighed in today - -.4 and EXACTLY 160.0! I'll take it - I had my share of cheese and wine over Thanksgiving! :D

Crabby McSlacker said...

Hope it was a great thanksgiving! And it's great that you're taking the long view about food choices and exercise--keepin' it mostly healthy but not freaking out about not being perfect all the time.