Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Weekly weigh-in: -44!

Down 3 pounds this week (since last Tuesday), but it's a little confusing. I really wasn't expecting a loss this week. My personal weigh-in recording day is every Tuesday, although I step on the scale and check it out daily. For the HFH challenge, we weigh in on Friday. So last week, I started with my Tuesday weight, and noticed no change between Tuesday and Friday. I also didn't notice much change over the weekend. I had made my peace with it: the scale is just a number, I can only control what I put in my mouth & when and my exercise, I'll get to wear the new pants a little more, yada yada ya. So I just kept up doing what I was doing, what else was I going to do? And plunk! Down it went. I'll take it.

Also received some good test results: my A1C number is 6.6 now (down from 9.5), my cholesterol and triglycerides have greatly improved since June, but my HDL/LDL numbers aren't quite where they need to be. Oh, well, little by little...Liver and kidney functions normal, which means metformin seems to be agreeing with my body. Yeay!


Joy's Journey in Weightloss said...

You are doing so well! I am glad that Metformin is working. I am inspired by your commitment!

Christie O. said...

nice!! 3 pounds is awesome!!!